Jesus is: the
stone rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone. There is salvation in no one else, for
there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by
it.” Acts 4:11-12
While there are many who would argue this point, scripture is very
clear that there is only one path, one way to arrive at the final destination
of spending eternity in heaven with God: repentance from our sin and faith in
Jesus as Lord and Savior. That’s it. There are no b, c, or d options.
However, the journey on that path looks very different for people.
For one it may be a life steeped in sin for decades before coming to Christ.
For another it may begin in childhood and consist of fairly consistent growth
and obedience. Yet someone else may struggle with faith, and/or have periods of
great growth and other times that seem more dormant.
For one person, God may call them to leave everything known and
comfortable and live a life on a foreign mission field. Some are called to be
pastors, teachers, worship leaders, children’s ministry directors, youth
leaders, or women’s ministry chairs. Others are called to speak, write, start
ministries, support ministries, own businesses, be faithful employees, or stay
at home full time. The goal, though, is the same – a life submitted to Christ
while waiting on the promise.
But the journeys can look very different.
The same is true for the journey to good health. For one, they may
feel led to run, join a dance class, buy a bike, attend water aerobics, or use
a storehouse of exercise videos. We’re not all called to run a marathon. (Thank
goodness!) Someone may feel led to cut out sugar or all carbs, while another’s
goal may be to eliminate anything not organic, processed foods, or meats. The
journey to health could be the one of Paleo, Maker’s, Trim Healthy Mama, Weight
Watchers, vegan, vegetarian, or any other assortment of healthy eating options
It’s between you and God what your journey looks like. And it’s
between everyone else and God what their journey looks like.
Just because something works for you doesn’t mean it’s the way everyone
else should do it.
We have to remember, in this journey of all-out pursuit of God and
striving to live healthier, there are many variations in how that looks. And
each person deserves respect on theirs.
No one should ever walk away from a healthy lifestyle conversation
feeling bombarded, criticized, or condemned for their choices. The goals should
always be to share, encourage, and
We should all be careful of this. I’m sure we’re all guilty, even
me. We love to share what works for us or information we’ve attained that we
feel like everyone should know. But, we want to do so in loving ways,
recognizing that another may not feel led
to make those same choices.
Notice I didn’t say convicted
to make the same choices. Because, in most instances, we’re not talking about
sin here. We’re talking about good, better, and best choices. Food only becomes
a sin when we idolize it above God. It in itself, I do not believe, is sinful.
Even if it’s packed with fat, sugar, and artificially produced items. (And yes,
I know there are some who’d argue with me on this point.)
So, as you continue on your journey, I hope you will join with
others with a mind of sensitivity, gentleness, and a heart full of praise for
the Lord.