Blog Description

This blog is meant to be a place where women can come, find, and give support in and through food struggles. All posts and comments should be Christ-centered and from a biblically-based perspective. The purpose is to delve into how Christ affects our lives beyond salvation (John 3:16) and to spur one another to come to a place where we can lived surrendered to Him in everything. We will also address some of the most difficult times to exercise control in eating - one of which is afternoons (3:16ish p.m.) There will only be love, encouragement, lifting up of each other and the name of the Lord.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I had a dream last night...I dreamed about food. I am an emotional eater.

We (I) eat when we are sad (a breakup, hurt feelings and at funerals), we eat when we are happy (like weddings, when we lose a pound, someone has a baby), we eat when we hurt (nothing like a chocolate chip cookie to dry up tears from a booboo), we eat when we are bored (because we think there is nothing else to do), we eat at certain times of the day (breakfast lunch dinner), We overeat at church and call it fellowship, We eat because it is that time of the month, I eat when I have a headache, I have even eaten when I am not hungry "because I will be hungry later."

WHAT? - I need some serious help. I am glad that we have each other and the Word of God to help us out. I am tired of comparing myself to what the world says I should look like and even what I should eat. I am so ready for this.

I have struggled with my weight (or at least my thinking I am overweight) since my early teens.  My mom and my grandmother were overweight with so many health problems.  My brother and his children are overweight.  I am considered overweight according to a doctor’s chart. 

Once a Sunday school teacher told me if I wanted to see what I’d be like when I grew up, just look at my mother.  Honestly, that horrified me!  She weighed over 200 pounds, did not exercise, was a smoker, worked long hard hours, overdrew her bank account frequently and was divorced.  I vowed then I was not going to be that way.  So I didn’t eat enough, causing headaches (stupid idea).  Now headaches are a food trigger for me.

Words are powerful but now that she is gone, I desire to be exactly like her.  Now I can see the love she poured into our family.  Her love for us knew no boundaries.  She was caring, giving sacrificially for her children and others she came in contact with.  She loved me and I loved her, no matter what her condition on the inside or what she looked like on the outside. This Sunday, March 23rd, will be the 15th anniversary of her going home to be in the arms of Jesus.  I thank God for the lessons she taught me and that I continue to learn drawing from her strength and love she gave me.

~Thank you God for giving me the years to look back on and know what not to do anymore. Thank you for your Word that is full of truth, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Thank you for eyes to see, ears to hear, and friends to receive wise council. In Jesus Name AMEN.~

Leigh Anne

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that testimony Leigh Anne. I can relate to you on thoughts of your mother. Once upon a time I focused on what I felt like she didnt give me as a child but God has opened my eyes to see all that she DID give me and the ways HE used her to show love, kindness, forgivness, generosity and selflessness. I miss her so very much and look forward to the day when I will see her again!
